Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 483 Find Lexicographically smallest or largest substring of size k Beginner % 0 482 Largest word in dictionary by removing a few characters from the given string Beginner % 0 481 Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Medium % 0 480 Check if one string is a subsequence of another string. Beginner % 0 479 Most frequent word Beginner % 0 478 Efficient Robot Problem - Find Minimum Trips Hard % 0 477 Job Sequencing algorithm Medium % 1 476 Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Medium % 0 475 Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Medium % 0 474 Implement/Design the version control map system Medium % 0 473 Given an array, count the number of pairs with a given sum. Beginner % 0 472 Sort Map as per values - Java Program Medium % 0 471 Two Sum Problem Beginner % 0 470 Find if any two intervals overlap in given intervals Medium % 0 469 Given an array, find the number of all pairs with odd sum. Medium % 0 468 Unique subsets with a given sum with allowed repeated digits. Medium % 0 467 Print all steps to convert one string to another string Medium % 0 466 Lexicographically next permutation With One swap Medium % 1 465 Find all subsets of size K from a given number N (1 to N) Medium % 0 464 Sum of distinct elements among two given sets Beginner % 0 463 Combinations with sum K from a given number N with repetition Medium % 0 462 Stable Marriage Problem - Gale–Shapley Algorithm Hard % 0 461 Insert a node in the given sorted linked list. Beginner % 1 460 Construct the largest number from the given array Medium % 0 459 Given an array, find three-element sum closest to Zero Medium % 1 458 Print sorted unique elements of a given array Beginner % 0 457 Given an array, print all unique subsets with a given sum. Medium % 0 456 Subsets Elements less than K. Medium % 0 455 Replace array elements with maximum element on the right. Medium % 0 454 Find all unique combinations of numbers (from 1 to 9 ) with sum to N Medium % 0 453 Number of Intervals in which given value lies Beginner % 0 452 Activity Selection Problem Medium % 0 451 Find the sum of overlapping elements in two sets Beginner % 0 450 Given two coordinates, Print the line equation Beginner % 0 449 Check if Graph is Bipartite - Adjacency List using Breadth-First Search(BFS) Hard % 0 Find Lexicographically smallest or largest substring of size k Largest word in dictionary by removing a few characters from the given string Calculate (x^y)%z without using pow() function Check if one string is a subsequence of another string. Most frequent word Efficient Robot Problem - Find Minimum Trips Job Sequencing algorithm Find subarray with a sum to given number-2 | Handle negative numbers Sort the two dimensional (2D) array - In-place Implement/Design the version control map system Given an array, count the number of pairs with a given sum. Sort Map as per values - Java Program Two Sum Problem Find if any two intervals overlap in given intervals Given an array, find the number of all pairs with odd sum. Unique subsets with a given sum with allowed repeated digits. Print all steps to convert one string to another string Lexicographically next permutation With One swap Find all subsets of size K from a given number N (1 to N) Sum of distinct elements among two given sets Combinations with sum K from a given number N with repetition Stable Marriage Problem - Gale–Shapley Algorithm Insert a node in the given sorted linked list. Construct the largest number from the given array Given an array, find three-element sum closest to Zero Print sorted unique elements of a given array Given an array, print all unique subsets with a given sum. Subsets Elements less than K. Replace array elements with maximum element on the right. Find all unique combinations of numbers (from 1 to 9 ) with sum to N Number of Intervals in which given value lies Activity Selection Problem Find the sum of overlapping elements in two sets Given two coordinates, Print the line equation Check if Graph is Bipartite - Adjacency List using Breadth-First Search(BFS) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16