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Applying floats and clearfix to block elements

Name: float

Value: left | right | inherit | none

Characteristics :

  • Floating an element will cause it to move to the left-most or right-most edge of its parent container.
  • Floating removes the element from normal document flow and changes the stacking context.
  • It will cause elements below it to shift accordingly.

Iteration 1 : float: none; /* Default */

We have three colored square boxes, which are rendered according to the document flow and are stacked one after the other. [codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="MKJoYY" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-1 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Iteration 2 : float: right;

Floating the first red square to the right removes it from the document flow, hence the green square occupies the red square's place as shown below. [codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="XXpgXK" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-3 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Iteration 3 : float: left;

Interestingly if we float the red square to left then it will overlap the green square as shown below.
  • The floated element has the higher stacking context, hence it's being rendered on top of the non-floated element.
[codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="NxdgqJ" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-2 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Iteration 4 : parent container collapsed

Applying, float: left to all the squares cause the container to collapse. Hence, you can not see the white background.
  • As all the colored sqaure are floated they have the same stacking context and they are relative to each other.
[codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="Nxdgxm" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-4 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Iteration 5 : prevent parent container collapsed using extra markup

We can add an extra an element, after all the floated squares and give it a style of clear:both as shown below. It will prevent the container from collapsing. Hence, you can see the white background. [codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="VePWzx" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-5 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Iteration 6 : prevent parent container collapsed using overflow property on the container

We can add overflow:hidden, overflow:auto to the container element as shown below. It will prevent the container from collapsing. Hence, you can see the white background. [codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="XXpgep" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-6 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]
Check out James Williamson's excellent tutorial on Clearfix !

Iteration 7 : prevent container collapsed using clearfix

clearfix is a technique to prevent the container collapsed as shown below. [codepen_embed height="268" theme_id="0" slug_hash="adpwqy" default_tab="result" user="kavitshah8"]See the Pen float-7 by Kavit Shah (@kavitshah8) on CodePen.[/codepen_embed]

Further reading about clearfix :

Also Read:

  1. position:fixed
  2. pseudo elements vs pseudo classes
  3. The JavaScript Prototype Property - Visualized
  4. simple css reset