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VBA-Excel: Date-Time Functions – TimeSerial() and TimeValue()



The TimeSerial() function returns the Time type based on the parameters provided (Hours, Minutes and Seconds).



  • Hour
    • Manda­tory
    • Type: Numeric or Any Numeric Expression
    • Between 0 and 23
  • Minutes
    • Manda­tory
    • Type: Numeric or Any Numeric Expression
    • If it’s greater than 60, than respective number will be added to the Hour, Example say 65, means Hours will be increased by one and Minutes will be 5
  • Seconds
    • Manda­tory
    • Type: Numeric or Any Numeric Expression
    • If it’s greater than 60, than respective number will be added to the Minutes, Example say 70, means Minutes will be increased by one and Seconds will be 10


Function FnTimeSerial()

Dim varHour

Dim varMinute

Dim varSecond

Dim strResult

<b>varHour = "11"</b>

<b>    varMinute = "12"</b>

<b>      varSecond = "44"</b>

     strTime = TimeSerial(varHour, varMinute, varSecond)

strResult = "Time is-&gt; " &amp; strTime &amp; vbCrLf

varHour = "18"

      varMinute = "72"

  varSecond = "44"

   strTime =TimeSerial(varHour, varMinute, varSecond)

strResult = strResult &amp; "Time is (<b>When Minutes is greater than 60</b>)-&gt; " &amp; strTime

MsgBox strResult

End Function

The TimeSerial() function returns the Time type based on the parameters provided (Hours, Minutes and Seconds).




The DateValue() function converts string to a date which contains time and returns it.



  • strString
    • Manda­tory
    • Type: String
    • String that needs to convert into date which contains time. A time from 0:00:00 (12:00:00 AM) to 23:59:59 ( 11:59:59 PM).


Function FnTimeValue()

   Dim strString

   Dim strString1

   Dim strResult

   strString = "15:40:03"

   strString1 = "09:25"

  strResult = "Time Value of " & strString & " is -> " & TimeValue(strString) & vbCrLf

  strResult = strResult & "Time Value of " & strString1 & " is -> " & TimeValue(strString1)

  MsgBox strResult

End Function
The DateValue() function converts string to a date which contains time and returns it.

Happy Macro­ing :)

Sumit Jain

Also Read:

  1. VBA-Excel: String Functions – LTrim()
  2. VBA-Excel : Strings Functions – Right
  3. VBA-Excel : Strings Functions – Instr
  4. VBA-Excel: String Functions – String()
  5. VBA-Excel: Array Functions – IsArray()