# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 158 Backtracking - Search a Word In a Matrix Hard % 0 157 Backtracking - N Queens Problem - Better Solution Hard % 0 156 Backtracking - N Queens Problem Hard % 0 149 Backtracking - Rat In A Maze Puzzle Hard % 0 148 Solve Sudoku Puzzles with Backtracking Hard % 0 146 Dynamic Programming - Stairs Climbing Puzzle Beginner % 1 145 Dynamic Programming - Minimum Coin Change Problem Medium % 1 143 Merge K Sorted Arrays Hard % 0 141 Find the Single Occurrence Element in an Array (Odd One Out) Beginner % 1 140 Rearrange Array Elements (A[i] = i) | In-place Approach Medium % 0 139 Find Missing Numbers in Sequences - XOR Method Beginner % 1 137 Populate Next Right Pointers in Each Node Hard % 0 135 Find Paths with Sum in Binary Tree Medium % 0 134 Diameter Of a Binary Tree Hard % 1 133 Reverse Level Order Traversal of Binary Trees Medium % 0 132 Find the Deepest Node in a Binary Tree Medium % 1 130 Find and Print Full Nodes in a Binary Tree Beginner % 0 129 Binary Min-Max Heap Implementation Hard % 0 127 Numbers Palindrome in Both Decimal and Octal Beginner % 0 126 Generate All Permutations of a String (Well-Ordered) Medium % 0 124 Create a Specific Triangle Pattern from an Array Beginner % 0 123 Colorful Numbers Hard % 3 122 Goldbach's Conjecture Beginner % 0 121 Print All the Subsets of a Given Set (Power Set) Hard % 1 120 Convert Decimal to Irreducible Fraction (Simplified Form) Beginner % 0 119 Clock Angle Problem Beginner % 1 118 Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Hard % 0 117 Stack with Max Tracking: Find the Largest Element (Optimized) Medium % 1 116 Generate All Balanced Parentheses Combinations (N Pairs) Medium % 1 113 Towers Of Hanoi Beginner % 0 112 Generate All n-Bit Binary Strings Medium % 1 111 Find Unique Number in Array with Duplicates (Except One) Beginner % 1 107 Alternate Splitting of a given Linked List Medium % 0 106 Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Medium % 0 105 Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (Kth Position) Medium % 0 Backtracking - Search a Word In a Matrix Backtracking - N Queens Problem - Better Solution Backtracking - N Queens Problem Backtracking - Rat In A Maze Puzzle Solve Sudoku Puzzles with Backtracking Dynamic Programming - Stairs Climbing Puzzle Dynamic Programming - Minimum Coin Change Problem Merge K Sorted Arrays Find the Single Occurrence Element in an Array (Odd One Out) Rearrange Array Elements (A[i] = i) | In-place Approach Find Missing Numbers in Sequences - XOR Method Populate Next Right Pointers in Each Node Find Paths with Sum in Binary Tree Diameter Of a Binary Tree Reverse Level Order Traversal of Binary Trees Find the Deepest Node in a Binary Tree Find and Print Full Nodes in a Binary Tree Binary Min-Max Heap Implementation Numbers Palindrome in Both Decimal and Octal Generate All Permutations of a String (Well-Ordered) Create a Specific Triangle Pattern from an Array Colorful Numbers Goldbach's Conjecture Print All the Subsets of a Given Set (Power Set) Convert Decimal to Irreducible Fraction (Simplified Form) Clock Angle Problem Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Stack with Max Tracking: Find the Largest Element (Optimized) Generate All Balanced Parentheses Combinations (N Pairs) Towers Of Hanoi Generate All n-Bit Binary Strings Find Unique Number in Array with Duplicates (Except One) Alternate Splitting of a given Linked List Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Swapping Nodes in a Linked List (Kth Position) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9