Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 345 Find the roots of Quadratic Equation – Java Program Beginner % 0 344 Given two strings validate the output string Beginner % 0 343 Generate all the strings of length n from 0 to k-1 Medium % 0 342 Find two smallest elements in a given array Beginner % 0 341 Front and Back Search in an Array Beginner % 0 340 Print all Unique elements in a given array Beginner % 0 339 Multiply with power of 2 without using pow() or * operator Beginner % 1 338 Find Number of reverse pairs in an array Hard % 1 337 Find first two largest elements in a given array Beginner % 0 336 Calculate Logn base r – Java Implementation Beginner % 0 335 Max Flow Problem – Introduction Hard % 0 334 Dijkstra Algorithm Implementation – TreeSet Hard % 0 333 Sum the elements of an Array Beginner % 0 332 Insertion Sort Beginner % 0 331 Find Largest and Smallest word in a given String Beginner % 0 330 Check if Given Number is power of 2 Beginner % 1 329 Rotate the given array in cycles Beginner % 0 328 Heap Sort Medium % 0 327 Print First n numbers in Fibonacci Series Beginner % 0 326 Find the Area and Perimeter of Rectangle Beginner % 0 325 Find no of reverse pairs in an array which is sorted in two parts in O(N) Medium % 1 324 Stack Data Structure – Introduction and Implementation Beginner % 0 323 How to Reverse Text: Stack Method for String Reversal Beginner % 0 322 Dijkstra’s – Shortest Path Algorithm (SPT) – Adjacency List and Priority Queue – Java Implementation Hard % 0 321 Bubble Sort and Optimized Bubble Sort Beginner % 1 320 Find the Area of Triangle using base and height Beginner % 0 319 Get the Sum of Digits in a number till it become a single digit Medium % 0 318 Calculate Log2n without using built-in function Beginner % 1 317 Check if given number is Prime - O(√N) Solution Medium % 0 316 Print First N Prime Numbers Beginner % 0 315 Print My IP Address Beginner % 0 314 Find the Circumference of a Circle Beginner % 0 313 Check if two Strings are equal without using built-in function Beginner % 0 312 Remove Vowels from a given String Beginner % 0 311 Linear Search Algorithm Beginner % 0 Find the roots of Quadratic Equation – Java Program Given two strings validate the output string Generate all the strings of length n from 0 to k-1 Find two smallest elements in a given array Front and Back Search in an Array Print all Unique elements in a given array Multiply with power of 2 without using pow() or * operator Find Number of reverse pairs in an array Find first two largest elements in a given array Calculate Logn base r – Java Implementation Max Flow Problem – Introduction Dijkstra Algorithm Implementation – TreeSet Sum the elements of an Array Insertion Sort Find Largest and Smallest word in a given String Check if Given Number is power of 2 Rotate the given array in cycles Heap Sort Print First n numbers in Fibonacci Series Find the Area and Perimeter of Rectangle Find no of reverse pairs in an array which is sorted in two parts in O(N) Stack Data Structure – Introduction and Implementation How to Reverse Text: Stack Method for String Reversal Dijkstra’s – Shortest Path Algorithm (SPT) – Adjacency List and Priority Queue – Java Implementation Bubble Sort and Optimized Bubble Sort Find the Area of Triangle using base and height Get the Sum of Digits in a number till it become a single digit Calculate Log2n without using built-in function Check if given number is Prime - O(√N) Solution Print First N Prime Numbers Print My IP Address Find the Circumference of a Circle Check if two Strings are equal without using built-in function Remove Vowels from a given String Linear Search Algorithm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16