Featured Lists Top 20 Problems on Dynamic programming Top 10 Problems on Backtracking Top 20 Problems on Graph Top 25 Problems on Trees Top 10 Problems on Bits Manipulation Top 15 Problems in LinkedList All Problems # Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 205 Print All Diagonals of a given matrix Medium % 1 204 Dynamic Programming - Edit Distance Problem Hard % 2 203 Dynamic Programming - Coin In a Line Game Problem Hard % 0 202 Dynamic Programming - Box Stacking Problem Hard % 0 201 Dynamic Programming - Split the String into Minimum number of Palindromes. Hard % 0 200 Dynamic Programming - Highway Billboard Problem Hard % 0 199 Dynamic Programming - Maximum Subarray Problem Medium % 0 198 Kadane's Algorithm - Maximum Subarray Problem Medium % 1 197 Convert Binary Tree into Threaded Binary Tree Hard % 0 196 Double Threaded Binary Tree Complete Implementation Hard % 0 195 Single Threaded Binary Tree Complete Implementation Hard % 0 194 Introduction to Threaded Binary Tree Medium % 0 193 Implement Stack Using Linked List Beginner % 0 192 Doubly Linked List Complete Implementation Beginner % 0 191 Circular Linked List Complete Implementation Beginner % 0 190 Swap Nodes in pairs in a Linked List by changing links Medium % 0 189 Convert BST to Greater Sum Tree Medium % 0 188 Shortest Range in K-sorted Lists Hard % 1 187 Reverse Alternative 'k' nodes in a Linked List. Medium % 0 186 Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size 'K' Medium % 0 185 Generate Maximum revenue by selling K tickets from N windows Medium % 0 184 Get the Sum of all left leaves in a Binary tree Beginner % 1 183 Convert binary tree to its Sum tree Medium % 1 182 Binary Tree-Postorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 181 Binary Tree - Preorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 180 Binary Tree-Inorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Beginner % 0 179 Binary Tree Deletion Beginner % 0 178 Search the Element in a binary tree - With and Without Recursion Beginner % 0 177 Tree Traversals Beginner % 1 176 Find the Size of a Binary Tree without Recursion Beginner % 0 175 Dynamic Programming — Longest Palindromic Subsequence Hard % 1 174 Dynamic Programming - Maximum Product Cutting Problem Medium % 1 173 Minimize Square Sums: Fewest Perfect Squares to Reach a Target (Dynamic Programming) Hard % 0 172 Dynamic Programming - Longest Common Substring Medium % 0 171 Dynamic Programming - Longest Common Subsequence Medium % 0 Print All Diagonals of a given matrix Dynamic Programming - Edit Distance Problem Dynamic Programming - Coin In a Line Game Problem Dynamic Programming - Box Stacking Problem Dynamic Programming - Split the String into Minimum number of Palindromes. Dynamic Programming - Highway Billboard Problem Dynamic Programming - Maximum Subarray Problem Kadane's Algorithm - Maximum Subarray Problem Convert Binary Tree into Threaded Binary Tree Double Threaded Binary Tree Complete Implementation Single Threaded Binary Tree Complete Implementation Introduction to Threaded Binary Tree Implement Stack Using Linked List Doubly Linked List Complete Implementation Circular Linked List Complete Implementation Swap Nodes in pairs in a Linked List by changing links Convert BST to Greater Sum Tree Shortest Range in K-sorted Lists Reverse Alternative 'k' nodes in a Linked List. Reverse a Linked List in groups of given size 'K' Generate Maximum revenue by selling K tickets from N windows Get the Sum of all left leaves in a Binary tree Convert binary tree to its Sum tree Binary Tree-Postorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Binary Tree - Preorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Binary Tree-Inorder Traversal - Non Recursive Approach Binary Tree Deletion Search the Element in a binary tree - With and Without Recursion Tree Traversals Find the Size of a Binary Tree without Recursion Dynamic Programming — Longest Palindromic Subsequence Dynamic Programming - Maximum Product Cutting Problem Minimize Square Sums: Fewest Perfect Squares to Reach a Target (Dynamic Programming) Dynamic Programming - Longest Common Substring Dynamic Programming - Longest Common Subsequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16