# Status Problem video Level Completes Likes 169 Dynamic Programming - Coin Change Problem Medium % 1 167 Generate Well Ordered Passwords of a Given Length K Medium % 0 166 All N Length Strings from Given String of Length K Medium % 0 162 Dynamic Programming - Subset Sum Problem Hard % 0 161 The Word Break Problem Hard % 0 160 Dynamic Programming - Longest Increasing Subsequence Medium % 1 150 Sort Names by their Last Names Beginner % 0 146 Dynamic Programming - Stairs Climbing Puzzle Beginner % 1 145 Dynamic Programming - Minimum Coin Change Problem Medium % 1 131 Find the Height of a tree without using Recursion Medium % 0 121 Print All the Subsets of a Given Set (Power Set) Hard % 1 118 Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Hard % 0 116 Generate All Balanced Parentheses Combinations (N Pairs) Medium % 1 112 Generate All n-Bit Binary Strings Medium % 1 107 Alternate Splitting of a given Linked List Medium % 0 106 Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Medium % 0 104 Print the Bottom View of a Binary Tree Medium % 0 103 Delete X Nodes After Y Nodes In a Linked List Beginner % 0 102 Merge Sort for Linked Lists (In-place Algorithm) Medium % 0 99 Construct a binary tree from given Inorder and Level Order Traversal Hard % 0 93 Inorder Predecessor and Successor in Binary Search Tree Hard % 0 89 Find Smallest Subarray Exceeding a Target Sum Medium % 0 83 Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array Medium % 0 58 Generate All String Permutations Hard % 0 36 Find the Maximum Depth OR Height of a Binary Tree Beginner % 1 Dynamic Programming - Coin Change Problem Generate Well Ordered Passwords of a Given Length K All N Length Strings from Given String of Length K Dynamic Programming - Subset Sum Problem The Word Break Problem Dynamic Programming - Longest Increasing Subsequence Sort Names by their Last Names Dynamic Programming - Stairs Climbing Puzzle Dynamic Programming - Minimum Coin Change Problem Find the Height of a tree without using Recursion Print All the Subsets of a Given Set (Power Set) Print All Combinations of subset of size K from Given Array Generate All Balanced Parentheses Combinations (N Pairs) Generate All n-Bit Binary Strings Alternate Splitting of a given Linked List Reverse a Doubly-Linked List (In-place Algorithm) Print the Bottom View of a Binary Tree Delete X Nodes After Y Nodes In a Linked List Merge Sort for Linked Lists (In-place Algorithm) Construct a binary tree from given Inorder and Level Order Traversal Inorder Predecessor and Successor in Binary Search Tree Find Smallest Subarray Exceeding a Target Sum Find Element in Rotated Sorted Array Generate All String Permutations Find the Maximum Depth OR Height of a Binary Tree 1 2